Apple Cider Vinegar For Corns & Calluses – What To Know

Apple Cider Vinegar has been known to have tremendous benefits for the skin, but can it be used to remove corns and calluses?
Remember that a callus is a thick, hardened area of skin that usually forms on the soles and sides of the feet. They are caused by persistent strain, pressure, irritation, or agitation.
However, corns are a type of callus that often appears on the smooth, thin skin of the foot, such as the top of the foot and toes.
Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe And Effective For Corns & Calluses
Yes. Apple Cider vinegar is a safe and effective way to help treat corns and calluses.
It is one of the most commonly used home remedies for corns and calluses. It is affordable and readily available in most if not all local supermarkets, grocery stores, and even pharmacies.
However, keep in mind that apple cider vinegar alone will not remove your corn and/or callus. Rather, it is part of the treatment to help in their removal.
You need to read my article on Quick Remedies & Medical Treatments for Corns & Calluses
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How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help With Corns & Calluses
Apple Cider Vinegar works best for corns and calluses when used as a foot soak.
The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar kills bacteria and loosens up dead skin cells. This makes the skin that forms the corn and/or calluses much easier to remove with a pumice stone.
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How Much Apple Cider Vinegar Should You Use For Corns & Calluses
Generally, it is recommended that you use about ½ – 1 cup of apple cider vinegar to at least 2 cups of water.
However, this may vary for every person. Some people’s skin may be too sensitive to ACV so they may need to either use less ACV or more water.
However, other people may have stubborn corns and calluses that need more ACV to sufficiently soften.
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How Long Should You Soak Your Feet In Apple Cider Vinegar For Corns & Calluses
You should soak your feet in apple cider vinegar to help with corns and calluses for about 20-30 minutes.
If your corn and/or callus is very thick and very hard, you may need to soak it longer. However, pay attention to the other parts of your feet. Soaking them for too long may cause your skin to peel, become too soft, or cause them to peel. ACV, even in a soak, may dry out your skin.
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How Often Should You Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Corns & Calluses
You should soak your feet in apple cider vinegar every time you are ready to file down your corns and/or calluses.
This will vary depending on how thick your corn and/or callus are. The thicker they are, the more often they will need to be filed.
And, every time that you need to file them, you should soak them beforehand to make the skin softer and easier to exfoliate.
Remember though that you should not file down too much all at once. This can cause ulcerations and bleeding if you are too aggressive. Also, do not use sharp tools to ever cut away the skin of your corn or callus as you can cut too deep.
Related Article – Tips on How to Prevent Calluses on Your Hands
How Long Does Apple Cider Vinegar Take To Remove Corns & Calluses
You should see a significant difference in your corn and/or calluses after a week of treatment, but this will vary.
The results from using ACV to help with your corns and calluses will depend on:
- How often you use it
- The way that you mix it (how diluted)
- How thick your callus or corn is
- The way that your skin reacts
Related Article – How Long Calluses & Corns Last & Do They Go Away Naturally
Can You Soak Corns & Calluses In Apple Cider Vinegar Overnight
You should not soak your feet in ACV overnight. This will be too harsh on your normal skin.
Instead, if you want to soak your corn and/or callus overnight, you can apply the ACV mixture onto a cotton pad until it is soaked. Then place it on the corn and/or callus and secure it with a piece of tape, plaster, or bandage.
You can leave this on overnight or for up to two days.
Here is a great video by Natural Cures showing some great general benefits of ACV for your feet, including for corns & calluses.
Apple Cider Vinegar Recipes For Corns & Calluses
1- Apple Cider Vinegar + Water Foot Soak
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Water
- Tub/Spa/Soaking Basin
- Towel
- In your tub, spa or soaking basin, mix 1 cup of ACV (use more or less according to your needs) with 2 cups of water (also use less or more according to your needs).
- Ensure the mixture is well combined.
- Place your clean feet in the mixture and let it soak for 10-20 minutes.
- After soaking, take your feet out and gently dry them with a clean towel.
- Proceed to exfoliate your corn and/or callus.
- Moisturize your feet when finished.
2- Castor Oil + Apple Cider Vinegar
- Castor Oil
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Water
- Tub/Spa/Soaking Basin
- Towel
- In your tub/spa/soaking basin, mix I cup of apple cider vinegar and at least 2 cups of water (these measurements may vary depending on your needs).
- Soak your feet in the mixture for about 10-20 minutes
- After soaking, dry your feet well.
- Immediately apply castor oil to your corn and/or callus and let it be absorbed into your skin.
- Repeat this for 10 days.
3- Apple Cider Vinegar + Baking Soda
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Baking Soda
- Water
- Tub/Spa/Soaking Basin
- Towel
- In your tub/spa/soaking basin, mix 1 cup of ACV, 4 cups of water (warm or room temperature), and about 2 tablespoons of baking soda (these measurements can vary depending on your needs).
- Make sure the mixture is well combined.
- Place your clean feet into the mixture and let them soak for about 20 minutes.
- After soaking, gently pat your feet dry.
- Then use a pumice stone to gently exfoliate your corn and/or callus.
- When finished, wash your feet gently, pat dry, and moisturize.
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Natural health: Use apple cider vinegar for corns and calluses